Beth’s Operator has never been one to subscribe to chat rooms, put herself about on Facebook or fling around Tweets and the like. Texting is about as high-tech as she ever got. So learning the language of acronyms is a whole ‘nother SL learning curve to climb. By asking point blank for translations (a highly recommended policy) Beth has started to accumulate a glossary. And that got her thinking… So this post is something of a two-for-one. For the equally uneducated and low-tech people out there, here are some terms that might pop up in your chat box. Plus a little peek into the Kiwi mentality to boot. Beth hopes you enjoy!

If anyone can suggest Kiwi alternatives for other acronyms such as:
TMI = Too Much Information
WB = Welcome Back
HB = Hurry back
etc, Beth would be most grateful!
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